Dashboard Engagement

Discover the information architecture you'll need for your dashboard.

Poll customers to find out what's most important.

Make sure you're meeting your customer's needs with a dashboard that prioritizes what they need to focus on. Find out what that is by polling with Helio surveys.

Poll customers to find out what's most important.

Discover behavior patterns that motivate your customers.

With an existing dashboard, it's easy to run some tests to quickly understand what users can find, what they're drawn to, and where they fall short.

Discover behavior patterns that motivate your customers.

All your data points covered.

Helio ouputs a report that allow you to get both quantitative and qualititave data.

How satisfied are you with your bank's current mobile app?
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Very dissatis… Somewhat dissatis… Neutral Somewhat satisf… Very satisfied
Female Prefer not to say Other Male Gender
18-24 35-44 25-34 45-60 Age
Highschool College Graduate Some College Post Grad Education
Less than $40K More than $100K $40K to $100K Income
United States Canada United Kingdom Location
Negative Neutral Positive Mixed Sentiment Enterprise feature
Chose: Somewhat satisfied

“There are a few things that feel out of place. Certain options don't seem to fit what you see, making them hard to locate.”

Chose: Neutral

“It has all the features I need but it’s also very plain. Honestly, it could really use a bit of UX/UI work.”

Chose: Somewhat satisfied

“There are some options that are not available in the app and I need to do it through the browser. There are yet other features for which I need to call customer service.”

Chose: Very satisfied

“I enjoy the look of the software not to mention all the key features and solutions present.”

Chose: Very satisfied

“Very clear where things are, and very easy to navigate.”

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